Sunday, July 20, 2008


The spammer known as progressor decided that to progress his website, essentially a blog that claims to collect interesting stories for people to read, it would be best to contribute seven throwaway comments to the site (4 on MeFi, 3 on AskMe) and then spam the Metafilter front page. Let's review his comments now. Keep an eye out for the irony in one of his MeFi comments. Bonus points if you spot it!


"I liked the Intelligence test..."
(from the Futility Closet FPP)

"100% accuracy. Of course, it helps to know something about breast augmentation."
(from the ...for players and plastic surgeons FPP)

"She's so YUMMY."
(from the Your weiner, your vageener, and your ovary FPP)

"Do they have Pepsi Blue T-Shirts?"
(from the Rumplo' and behold! FPP)

Ask Metafilter.

"I highly recommend FatWallet's "Which Credit Card Should I Get? FAQ"It is an up-to-date list of the top credit cards, sorted by how you'd expect to use them."
(from the Which Visa card is best Question)

"You should buy a low-end UPS (uninterruptible power supply) from, say, APC -- they should be ~$40 at an office supplies store. Almost any UPS should do a good job at smoothing out the power surges."
(from the Compact Florescent Lifespan Question)

"Usually, need to get a license from the City hall"
(from the Classical Underground Question)

Here at Musings of a Metafilter Spammer, we like to make fun of spammers who spam Metafiler. In this case, I think we'll leave it at simply pointing out the event. The records show that even jessamyn seemed unsure if this was a clear cut case of spamming, although the fact that progressor's account is now closed speaks words. Maybe next time progressor will progress further than seven comments, assuming the mistakes of the past aren't repeated.

[Learn more about this spammer at the Deleted Thread Blog]

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